How to Avoid Change Fatigue with Educational Software Rollout

Picture of By Kay Nageswaran
By Kay Nageswaran
How to Avoid Change Fatigue with Educational Software Rollout

Change fatigue is the name given when employees experience mental or physical fatigue, due to a history of multiple, difficult, or poorly handled changes within organisations.image of woman using a laptop

Low engagement, lack of motivation, and resistance towards change are all symptoms of change fatigue. Schools are a common example where change fatigue can be prevalent.

And because of this, K–12 schools can be challenging places to roll out educational software like Learning Management Systems (LMS), School Portals, School Administration and Student Management Systems.

The Modern Learning Environment

The modern learning landscape requires education to be personalised, interactive, and instantaneous. No student learns at the same pace or in the same way, but all students learn through their connection to the community, that is, your school.

When you create a school environment where learning is personalised and the entire school community is engaged throughout the learning journey, your students will benefit greatly.

Educational software like LMS and communication portals strive to assist your school to deliver a personalised learning experience within a highly connected and engaged framework—enhancing and improving education for this new generation of learners.

So, how can you avoid change fatigue during the rollout of such valuable educational software?

Must-have Elements of a Rollout Strategy

If you’re clear with your objectives and the value it will provide your school, you’re already setting the right tone for the rollout of your educational software.

Now, let’s look at what else you need for a successful rollout of your educational software.

Open Communication

Tell your school what’s happening—parents, staff, students—keep them all in the know. Transparency and real-time information is important for a successful school software rollout.

Provide them with meaning and purpose; a vision that encompasses goals of engagement and support. By communicating meaning and purpose, you’ll evoke connection and motivation within your school community.

IT Capabilities 

Although it may be a little obvious, IT capabilities within your school are critical to the success of rolling out educational technology solutions.

Your software provider will of course have the expertise and resources from their end to rollout the system for your school. However, having the IT capabilities within your school to effect the rollout will ensure any customisation requirements are factored into the installation from a back-end perspective.

Also, ongoing management of your software platform will be more effective as the needs of your school may change and so will the way in which you use the software.

Action Plan

An action plan is another vital element of a successful rollout strategy. With an action plan, you can map out the details of the rollout, so you don’t miss anything, but also, you’re able to get clarity on who will undertake what task.

Although your requirements and implementation may be clear within your school, your project can only follow through to completion if you communicate clearly with your educational software provider. So, you need to work closely with your provider.

Motivated Team

Of course you can’t undertake the rollout all on your own—you need a motivated team!

Your team will be instrumental in setting the tone and pace of your new school software  rollout. They will establish a structure and foundation for ongoing success.

But, remember, when finding a motivated team, you need diversity; don’t stick to one department or one set of thinking. The more people you engage across all levels and functions, the greater set of skills you will have.

Most importantly, you need people who have a commitment to the change at hand.

Ongoing Training

Ensure there is always ongoing training for your school as the rollout takes place. This will drive positive uptake and, with more learning, people will continue to be engaged.

Some ideas for ongoing training:

  • Utilise the help resources given by your software provider.
  • Open up engagement with community Q&A.
  • Engage in additional remote or face-to-face training sessions.

And don’t forget to keep the wider school community abreast of the benefits of the rollout every step of the way—this way, energy levels remain high and the rollout will continue to progress.

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Rolling out educational technology solutions into your school shouldn’t be taken lightly. There are many factors at play and to reap the rewards, you need to do it right.

Contact us to learn more or delve further into the elements of a best-in-class rollout strategy with our FREE eBook!

Educational Software Rollout Success 10 Steps to Achieve Rollout Success with Educational Software