Meetup 2016 – It’s a two-way conversation.

Picture of By bojana.lazarevska
By bojana.lazarevska
Meetup 2016 – It’s a two-way conversation.

#SBMu16 is not only the perfect opportunity for our community to learn and share experiences about Schoolbox, but the event also allows us to have some meaningful conversations with our industry and customers.

This year, we are celebrating the individual and their unique learning journey. We recognise that the way we are educating our future generations is changing, and we want to be leading the way. So, with 200+ industry experts available in close proximity, we have planned a fantastic workshop. We want to hear from you about the ideas, problems and opportunities around personalised learning in a digital environment.

Start thinking! …


Who I am comes from my experiences, environment and pursuits.

My experiences, perspectives, background, talents, interests, capacity and needs are unique.

  • Are all individuals on the same path to prosperity?

  • How do educators and their tools accommodate for various levels of readiness, interest, aptitude, rate of learning, learning style…?

  • How do educators and their tools acknowledge students as whole people who have different experiences and pursuits…?

  • How do educators and their tools strengthen a sense of self, individuality, develop personal qualities, and foster personality?

There will be plenty of opportunity for our customers to have a say, even if you are unfortunately not attending Meetup 2016. Keep an eye out for this in the IDEAS forum in Schoolbox Help.

Cheers! – Team Schoolbox