Schoolbox – Version 13.5 Released

Picture of By Sean Richards
By Sean Richards
Schoolbox – Version 13.5 Released

We are proud to announce the release of Schoolbox version 13.5. This update includes over six months of improvements and changes most notably the new course builder and social stream features.

The course builder will be particularly useful for teachers that like structured and organised information/curriculum resources in their LMS. It will keep track of student progress and allow you to plan and timeline tasks ahead of schedule and even import from previous years.

On the other hand the social stream is great for adhoc teaching. Engaging your students in online discussions and collaboration that happen spontaneously.

For those that like stats, we completed the following for this release; we resolved 226 issues, altered 2840 files and committed 121386 lines of code.

As with all major Schoolbox releases, there are countless improvements and upgrades throughout the system and the full release notes available on our wiki:

If anyone would like a demo of the new upgrade please contact us.