Redesigning Your Schoolbox Portal to Improve Parent Engagement

Picture of By Matt Sambell
By Matt Sambell
Redesigning Your Schoolbox Portal to Improve Parent Engagement
  • Learn how to increase parent engagement in your school.
  • See how to redesign your school’s LMS and portal for maximum benefit.
  • Get parents more involved in their child’s learning journey to improve student learning outcomes.
When parents are engaged and are actively taking part in their child’s learning, students are more likely to perform better at school. Parents make the greatest contribution to a child’s education in their home, and schools benefit greatly from this. One of the key aspects of engaging parents is redesigning your school’s LMS and portal to deliver the best user experience possible. In this video, Gemma Driscol from Sheldon College discusses how you can improve your school LMS and portal to ensure ease-of-use for parents and help them remain active in their child’s education.